Healthcare Expert Witnesses

We're Experts In Experts

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Connect Experts' Extensive Database Helps Lawyers Locate The Best Expert For Their Catastrophic Injury Case

We're Experts On Experts - We'll Help Find The Right Healthcare Specialist For Your Litigation

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Take the frustration out of finding the precise medical/legal specialist you need. Connect Experts provides physician experts to Canadian and U.S. law firms.


Our registered nurse experts are trained as Legal Nurse Consultants and Cost of Future Care Experts. Their unique body of knowledge makes them a valuable resource to the legal team.

nurse practitioner in a medical office 1098 511

Allied Healthcare Professionals

Connect Experts can locate health care professionals with the specialty you need, such as physiotherapists, occupational therapists, paramedics, and many more.

Frequently asked questions

Absolutely.  We can discuss your case with you over the phone to ensure you understand the case issues, and give you some idea of the types of experts you need. We can go the next step and do a full Case Merit – where you’ll get much more detail. We can even help you with the Statement of Claim/Defence to ensure you capture the essence of the issues, and name all potential defendants.

You probably can do this by yourself – but is it time well spent?  We have a roster of current experts that other lawyers have used (and recommended), and we support the expert through the process potentially saving you time and money. Focus your time on what really makes financial sense.

And are you getting the quality of expert you need?  We've found (and mentored) hundreds of experts, for hundreds of lawyers.  We work consistently with many of the top litigators across Canada.  They continue to use us – because it is time well saved and money well spent.

The cost is dependent on the type of expert required.

  • For doctors we have a fixed location fee of $1250, and an administration fee of 25% for the support we provide to the expert (and yourself) as the case proceeds.  The hourly rate for the physician is set by them – and can vary significantly (between $300 - $1200 per hour)
  • For nurses and other allied healthcare professionals, there is no location fee – just a straight hourly fee, again varying on the type of specialty required and the experience of the expert.  Fees generally range from $200 to $300 per hour.
  • For larger scale work – such as bulk medical record review (e.g. class action), the cost varies depending on the volume of work and the expertise of the expert.  We try to use cheaper resources for administrative work where possible to keep your costs contained and have IT and project management resources available.  The cost for Legal Nurse Consultants is from $80 - $150 per hour.

This does occur – rarely, but has happened. We have received requests for particular specialties, where it becomes apparent that a different specialty is required. 

If you don't get the opinion you wanted, that is unfortunate but likely that you are getting the opinion you need.

For the second expert on the same case, we do charge half price.

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